Quick Catch Up!

Well, where did the time go? ….. now after another lockdown at Level 4, hopefully the team of 5 mill is getting on top of this latest outbreak ! Haven’t been posting very much as have been so busy at work, however very excited about getting back into the studio soon.

The Members Show is up at the Waiheke Community Art gallery at the moment. Locked in you could say! – however,  it is available to see online. Check out new work, Night Swimming – Galactic Core.

Also, the Artist in Residence  Bronwen Newbury has her exhibition ‘Falling Light’ online, absolutely beautiful work.

We’re getting ready to produce the next Waiheke Art Map 2022, soooo looking forward to summer!

Kia Kaha everyone, stay safe and see you soon!

Night Swimming - Galactic Core from Alison Park
Night Swimming – Galactic Core from Alison Park                                              Materials: Archival quality digital print
PRICE: $250 (framed)



News and events!

Well what a summer, intermittent lockdowns, in between the island is a flurry of events and activities engaging the domestic market to come along and visit.

I’m really looking forward to a quiet winter creating with a list a mile long from trips to the South Coast of the Wairarapa, Rakiura Stewart Island and around Waiheke.

Winter is a time to hunker down and back into the garden, always a source of inspiration and peace, and looking forward to a bit of rain!

Visit again soon for a more detailed schedule of  events and new works, until then, keep creating!

Spring at the Studio

Spring is here!

Really looking forward to working on a new suite of works and schedule of exhibitions at the studio and a quiet pop up in downtown Auckland. The 2021 Art Map is underway and exciting new shows at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery!

Visit this page again soon for more details and updates or check out more images and more on  @stellagram and facebook


Summer Studio days and Stargazing Nights

It has been an extraordinary few months of hot dry weather, great for the beach and fantastic sunsets. (Looking forward to a bit of rain tho’! :))

Pop into the studio this weekend on the way up to Peacock Sky’s Trig Hill Craft and Music Fair this Sunday March 1.

If the weather keeps up it’ll be another sunset session on the deck and Stargazing later on in the evening. Glorious!


In other news:  as you know some of my paintings are a bit large!  So I’ve been producing a selection of postcards, a few ‘transportable moments in time/a landscape’ ‘takeaway versions 🙂  available at the studio and at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery  #studiodays #waihekesummer #alotmoretoexplore

Montage of postcards selection
Montage of postcards selection


Art Map 2020!

Summer’s here and with it, the Art Map 2020 out now, available at the gallery and up at the studio. Have been quite busy over the holiday period, but this weekend, a bit of studio time, yes!
Come on up, I’m having a celebration summer sale! The guitar will be out and later on if it’s clear well be having a look at Orion, Matariki and the ‘fainting’ Betelgeuse… who knows…. we can imagine it going Supernova!

Spring Newsletter 2019

It’s that time of the year again when we’re planning for the summer season over here on Waiheke, kicking off with a special double page map of the island in the Waiheke Weekender featuring artists studios and galleries along with the vineyards, olive groves and other activities.

Waiheke is becoming known now as an Island of Art.  The 2020 Art Map is soon underway ready later in the year with an exhibition up at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery.

The studio & gallery up at Trig Hill Base Camp will be open 11 – 4, Sunday – Tuesday, from Labour Weekend however feel free to ring on 021 887819 to arrange a visit outside of those hours.

Summer on the Island! –  ‘Artlounge Long Afternoons’: enjoy a relaxed visit to the studio followed by music, sundowners and stargazing into the evening. Dates TBC

Summer in the City! –  A selection of works will be travelling to Auckland for display so watch this space for more images and details.

Meanwhile check out Reclaim To Fame up at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery, and exhibitions at the Red Shed, Space and others.  Reclaim to Fame follows the members show where  ‘Where is the Safe Harbour – a quiet comment on climate change and avarice in the company of a volcano’ was exhibited.

Where is the Safe Harbour
Where is the Safe Harbour? a quiet comment on climate change and avarice in the company of a volcano – Kim Wesney 2019   $2800



Winter Update 2019

All of a sudden it’s winter, following   a full on summer of island creativity with Perpetual Guardian Sculpture On The Gulf, Sculpt Oneroa, a wonderful selection of exhibitions at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery, other gallery spaces and studios on Waiheke.

One of the stunning pieces from Sculpure on the Gulf, Te Werowero – The Ongoing Challenge,  a bronze sculpture created by Waiheke artist, Chris Bailey was successfully secured by the island community and stays at the wharf greeting visitors and residents alike at the entryway to the island. Check out the story here:  Te Werowero

April was spent in Norfolk UK,  experiencing a gorgeous spring there  taking in the famous Norfolk ‘light’ and viewing a lot of the local art. Spent two full days at the Sainsbury Centre which was very stimulating and  inspiring, especially  the current  Magnum exhibition “The Body Observed’

This year the Winter Arts Festival over Queens Birthday Weekend took a break as it’s been ten years since the first one. Many of the island artists however had their studios open over the long weekend including us up here on a beautiful quiet Monday. (see the link above)

Studio hours are still Monday & Tuesdays 11 – 4  although it pays to check in with a phone call first in case we’re out and about doing winter jobs during these shorter days.

Keep up to date with the other associated  activities up here at the Trig Hill Base Camp Facebook page

We’re busy prepping for the Winter exhibition inspired by Matariki! so visit this page again soon for more updates  – very exciting! If you would like to exhibit in the gorgeous Little Room, just drop us a line at gammaray@xtra.co.nz.

The Little Room