Winter Update 2019

All of a sudden it’s winter, following   a full on summer of island creativity with Perpetual Guardian Sculpture On The Gulf, Sculpt Oneroa, a wonderful selection of exhibitions at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery, other gallery spaces and studios on Waiheke.

One of the stunning pieces from Sculpure on the Gulf, Te Werowero – The Ongoing Challenge,  a bronze sculpture created by Waiheke artist, Chris Bailey was successfully secured by the island community and stays at the wharf greeting visitors and residents alike at the entryway to the island. Check out the story here:  Te Werowero

April was spent in Norfolk UK,  experiencing a gorgeous spring there  taking in the famous Norfolk ‘light’ and viewing a lot of the local art. Spent two full days at the Sainsbury Centre which was very stimulating and  inspiring, especially  the current  Magnum exhibition “The Body Observed’

This year the Winter Arts Festival over Queens Birthday Weekend took a break as it’s been ten years since the first one. Many of the island artists however had their studios open over the long weekend including us up here on a beautiful quiet Monday. (see the link above)

Studio hours are still Monday & Tuesdays 11 – 4  although it pays to check in with a phone call first in case we’re out and about doing winter jobs during these shorter days.

Keep up to date with the other associated  activities up here at the Trig Hill Base Camp Facebook page

We’re busy prepping for the Winter exhibition inspired by Matariki! so visit this page again soon for more updates  – very exciting! If you would like to exhibit in the gorgeous Little Room, just drop us a line at

The Little Room



An exciting month of Sculptures, art and music! – March 2019

It’s all go on the Matiatia headlands, up into Alison Park, Artworks Courtyard and the village of Oneroa. March 1 – 24

Check out the Perpetual Guardian Sculpture on the Gulf website for all the latest news and updates and be sure to visit the new exhibitions at Waiheke Community Art Gallery and in the Artworks Courtyard, beautiful new exhibitions opening on Friday and will be showing until 7 April. So if I’m not in the studio I’ll see you on the track or in the gallery! 🙂

Recently we checked out this excellent performance REMOTE at Artworks, sumptuous one off fantastic opportunity to be able to experience such a creative and stimulating show here on Waiheke.

And then Yeehaaarrrrr…! Toppies are heading for the hills – our Waiheke hills, nestled in the ampitheatre of Ranghoua Estate 30 March, Tickets available now

This week hours at the Studio are Sunday afternoon,  Monday 11th March 11 – 5. Lots to do working towards the exhibition Sea Conversations coming up later in April. It’ll be an interactive interesting show including a variety of works and activities. Better get going – have a great week!




Happy New Year everyone! – what a summer it’s been so far, glorious weather and busy!

The exhibition Waiheke Unwrapped at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery was a great success for many of the artists listed on the 2019 Waiheke Art Map, with huge visitor numbers to the gallery and more trekking around the island to visit us working in our studios! There are new exhibitions on there now – Pathways to Paradise and Ahakoa He Iti He Pounamu, stunning –  don’t miss them!

This just a short entry today as have to get back up the hill for another Studio Tuesday (open 11 – 4) as well as prepping  the rest of the summer events and new works in progress!

Sightlines Unseen (far right) in exhibition Waiheke Unwrapped late 2018 into January 2019 – SOLD

It’s beginning to feel a lot like summer!

We’ve been pretty busy! we’ll be taking a break leading up to Xmas. Exciting news though, keep an eye out for more opening hours and events coming up this summer. Check out Trig Hill Base Camp for details as well.

We have a new smaller gallery space available, still needs a bit of work but just so you know and please feel free to contact me if you are interested in booking it. We will post some images and information soon but check it out here from the Waiheke Winter Arts Festival earlier this year.

Also the Waiheke Intrepid Explorers Association series is now available as fun postcards. Available at the studio and at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery. Here’s the Solar Observation Quadrant Group Expedition image…1964..yeah right..!

Actually the story behind this image is interesting, woke very early one morning to this loud weird sound, raced upstairs to see this balloon outside the window!  “Hello there!” we yelled as the balloon pilot waved and the fired up the ballooony furnacy thingys 🙂  We ran out of the house and followed his progress until he drifted away somewhere down the back end, no idea where he landed and we were still in our PJ’s!

The other expeditions in this series.

The Submariner Exploration of the Greater Waiheke Trench May 1994

Aquifer Mapping Party May 1962

Botanical Safari Domestic Escape Audit January 1989! ….and yes they all have stories…and there are many more expeditions to document!  #imagine ‘oh the places we’ll  go!’

Check in soon and have a fantastic and well earned break over the holiday season everyone!

cheers, Kim

Latest News and Upcoming Events Autumn 2018!

Hello there!

It’s been a really busy summer at the gallery and with Dark Sky NZ work helping to prep Waiheke’s bid to become an accredited International Dark Sky Park, very exciting so watch this space! For more info visit Dark Sky NZ  and NightShift – Stargazing Waiheke. So with that in mind we are very much looking forward to this years Waiheke Open Studios Weekend coming up soon, 2-4 June up at the studio at Trig Hill Base Camp.  We will be presenting new works and we can’t wait! There’s a lot to do in this creative corner of the universe!

New works, events and music at the Studio and ArtLounge ~ Summer 2018!

Who is sick of the Squidge?



  1. squash or crush….mud
    • make a squelching noise….the mud the mud!

Nevermind! – Spring is here! Today has been a glorious bright spring day, still saturated (squidgyasmate!) underfoot however the flowers and plants are bursting forth with the change of seasons so we are planning a summer full of colour and creativity to celebrate the sunny days ahead. I had an amazing time recently on the Aotea Great Barrier Island at the opening of the IDA designated Dark Sky Sanctuary, and will going back as soon as possible to get more reference for a suite of landscapes,  ‘Where I meet Land, Sky and Sea’  Keep an eye out on the Waiheke Community Art Gallery for exhibition dates.

Workshops up at the studio at Trig Hill coming up: Dates TBC imminently! January 2018, see Poster below: feel free to email or ring me for more info.

Waiheke Narrative Art Making Poster

Summer in the ArtLounge 2018! –  we look forward to relaxed afternoons with new works in the lounge (and garden!) accompanied with delicious nibbles, botanical refreshments and no doubt artful conversations –  If the sign is out come on in!

Painting Piano Pictures #1 is just about finished, we captured some tasty little melodic nuggets and can’t wait to share them up to Soundcloud and have them inform another group of visual works over the next few months. Looking forward to PPP #2 (got to get those hours in..:)) Huge Thanks to Sylvain Lapoiriere for the recording set up, enthusiasm cups of tea and support!  Have a great Spring everyone,  See you soon!

Art Lounge and the Waiheke Winter Arts Festival 2017!

Coming up in June 3-5 It’s that time of the year again! This year we will be in Oneroa hosting ArtLounge Waiheke Island,    featuring new works, the jewellery  of Sarah Morrison, and a virtual tour of the studio at Trig Hill if you can’t get all the way out to Onetangi. Plus you can just come along, chill out with an afternoon of music, botanical refreshments and good conversation about art on the island. We can’t wait! Tickets are available now at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery just  $20 each for a great long weekend of art on Waiheke!

Waiheke Winter Arts Festival 2017 Tickets

Summer 2017! headland Sculpture on the Gulf, Waiheke Community Art Gallery Exhibitions

What a summer! weather hasn’t been particularly fabulous but there’s been so much going on it didn’t really matter! headland Sculpture on the Gulf has just wrapped, what an amazing threee weeks! – check out the  websites and Facebook pages for an overview plus the recent shows at the gallery including the ArtMap Artists 2017 including yours truly and our next satellite gallery ArtLounge Waiheke here in Oneroa.

Jump on over:

headland Sculpture on the Gulf 2017

Waiheke Community Art Gallery latest exhibitions and events

Waiheke ArtMap 2017   

Waiheke Winter Arts Festival 2016, what a great weekend!

Thanks everyone who braved it up the hill to visit! Lovely to meet you all and hope you had a fab time at the festival! Paula Richa, Lyndsay Meager and Sarah Morrison for sharing the space and turning the house into a gorgeous colourful gallery for the weekend, Janette Roxburg and Donal Buckley for excellent ukelele playing and a superb display of handmade cigar box guitars. I had a great time playing!

More pics and info soon! (Am clicking away on my phone right here…:) )

cheers! Kimimage Continue reading Waiheke Winter Arts Festival 2016, what a great weekend!